Saturday, December 6, 2008

December, Texas

It was cold this morning, when I went out for a run. Not just Texas cold, but actually cold- 33 degrees at 7 am. It was hard to go out in that, especially since I didn't pack for near-freezing runs and had to wear shorts and a long sleeved t-shirt. It made me wonder why I keep doing this. After 20 years of running, I'm still slow but have logged a lot of miles. I've run in all seasons, in all weather); I've spooked moose and seen Northern Lights, I've run with a succession of dogs and with various friends. It's who I am now and I don't know what I'd do if I had to give it up. So, I put on my shorts and went out this morning, just like I always do.

It warmed up by the afternoon, and I went to see an outdoor show. The Ft Sam ceremonial horse drill team was there. I didn't get any good pictures of them performing (I was too far for the camera to get a good shot) but I watched them practice. I got cool video, but can't post it.

Some old cars. Yes, it's December and it's almost 70 at this point.

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